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Peaceful LIFE.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

rights, so i'm leaving at 22.05pm tonight. and i am getting a headache from luggage weights. argh. hai hai hai.

so i will reach singapore on friday, 6pm (singapore time, uk time is 11am), terminal 1. flight is QF10 for all those mad people going to the airport to pick me up cos they miss me too much (ah hahahaha i feel so loved :p).

and yes, there will be changes to blog links. after i finish updating this blog with all the photos i haven't uploaded from my travels here, i will officially close this blog. there will be some url changes too so check back here ya. :D and apologies if u dont get ur souveniors so soon (although i think i brought back all ur stuff instead of my own), cos i gotta ship back a parcel. hahaha. yeps. see ya and hopefully when u do see me i ain't a puddle. :D

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {12:40 PM}

Sunday, July 08, 2007

to celebrate the reunion of the spice girls for their series of concerts, here's some songs from my fav spice girl: emma bunton! wheeee! she has such a nice, sweet and soothing voice and looks totally gorgeous. i'm so proud of her for not allowing herself to be pressured to be stick-thin!

her latest single (i think): all I need to know

what took you so long... my fav single from her!

2 become 1 - emma bunton

ahhh.. my fav spice girl song! wheeeee!!! ahhhh, what i would give to be able to go and watch their concert... sigh.


and yes, yuen mei will be back in singapore (and disturbing you people) on friday! kekeke... arriving at 6pm, me think. heh.

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {1:13 AM}

Saturday, June 30, 2007

ok, the previous post was saved as a draft. i just published it. now, another update!!!

in the previous post, i mentioned that we went to tiger tiger to celebrate my 21st. yesterday, there was a car found outside the club which contained a bomb. to think that about a week ago, we were there and at the time the bomb was found, we were just leaving the club. how scary is that? thank goodness it didn't go off. till now, i think a total of 3 bombs were found around london. now, the entire central area is on bomb alert.

at times like this, i don't know if i am looking forward to going back or not.


i miss loughborough. i miss the people. yada yada yada.

i still can't believe i will be going back in less than 2 weeks.

more photos

http://nus.facebook.com/album.php?aid=30606&l=394df&id=730950122 - Barcelona part 3

http://nus.facebook.com/album.php?aid=31488&l=76fd5&id=730950122 - barcelona part 4

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {10:47 PM}

Sunday, June 24, 2007

hey all! I'm in Hereford nows.... the time to go back to Singapore is drawing nearer and nearer... just 2 weeks plus left now.

one of my cousin in hereford was attacked on his way home by a gang ( they say group of boys, i suspect is a gang cos there's been a series of attacks going on). You read these things in newspapers, you hear about them over the tv, radio, friends, but you never really think it could happen to you. i'm glad this attack hasn't turned my cousin into a shadow of himself, it would be rather sad if it did.

one of the things i am rather determined to do, when i go back to singapore, is to pick up hand to hand combat. at least, weapon or no weapon, i can still defend myself. it would be rather sad to go down without putting up a fight, sadder still knowing one can win if he/she had the skills to. so yah, it would be a good thing to learn. I remember wanting to learn kung fu when i was very small, but my parents wouldn't allow cos it wasn't something for girls; judo was out in secondary school cos it was ''too violent''. but now that i'm 21 and technically an adult (though i don't feel like one), i should be able to pick these up.

one thing which struck me was how lucky i am. when the loughborough union shooting happened, my friends and i narrowly missed it as we just left the union and were happily walking back to our hostel. imagine what could have happened if our International event had dragged on longer. we could be mixed up with the other big event happening downstairs, and who knows what would happen. and the string of rape cases happening in and around the university area... i'm lucky i was not a victim, especially since walking to and fro from butler to elvyn richards at night, sometimes alone, is something i do very often. so yah, i've been lucky.

i bid farewell to my elvyn friends on friday. don't know when will i be able to see them again. i hope they come to singapore one day, it'll be great fun!


i am going to say this agains: i don't like clubbing in london. when i went to London last weekend, i was dragged to the club by my aunt. yes, my aunt. my dad asked my aunt to bring me to the nightclub to celebrate my 21st, so once more i had to brave the london night scene. went to tiger tiger, which is a restaurant, club, bar... had dinner, which was really good. i had the mexican chicken fajitas, and we shared desserts. it was alright till we hit the dance floor. this time around, we were hit on by more guys than last time, and it was worse.

i'll just talk about the worst guys: these 3 fellas. 2 of them hit on us together. it isn't nice when this guy starts sticking his butt (like it is some noteworthy asset. hello, get a life please) between my friend and me. it was even worse when he starts wiggling it around as though it is something so grand you should like, spank it or something. sorry dude, but i am not into this kind of things. nor am i interested in drunken guys who think they are Gods when actually, the sight of them makes me want to puke. and man, did those two guys have guts. guts in the sense where the world would be much better without them. first, they would not leave us alone. second, they would not stop trying to grab our hands. when i say i don't want you to hold my hands (did i mention the sight of him makes me want to puke?), i mean it. that doofus didn't get that message through the thick skull of his head and happily grabbed my hands, caressing it. omg, please leave me alone before i drop dead just to escape from you. when i snatched my hands back (like rudely. like, obviously i-don't-want-to-hold-your-hands), he cornered me. this is where i thank Gods and Goddesses for the presence of aunties at clubs with you. my aunt rescued us. hah, should have seen the expression on their faces when we told them she was our mother. but those guys are dead drunk, cos after that, they still wouldn't leave us alone. in fact, they tried to hit on my aunt! but well, we weren't impressed and they left after a while.

then came this guy, whom my friend and i noticed have been stalking us for some time. now this guy is the most freakish one i have ever met. he didn't like, hit on me or anything (thank goodness), but he was weird. he followed us from downstairs to upstairs and back down again, and then kept hitting on my friend. he even asked her to unzip the front of her blouse!!! like, hello?!!! i should have like, whacked him or something. and then he actually lifted his shirt and started touching his nipples. wtf. how horribly gross. and he tried to corner my friend, and i was like grabbing her hand and trying to pull her away but he wouldn't allow her to leave. in the end, somehow we managed to break free from him and we -literally- ran to where my aunt was. we told her about him and that guy actually came over!!! he came over and tried to drag my friend back to the dance floor!!! and when she refused, he just wouldn't leave until she told him that we were taking a break. then he went to the dance floor and just stood there STARING AT US. how freaky is that?! after that, the moron TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT!!!! and stood there. and then came towards us again and tried to drag my friend to the dance floor again. this was where we decided to leave the place. like my goodness, i need to wash my eyes. he didn't even have a hot body. like, omg, go look at yourself in the mirror, thank you very much. he was obviously on drugs.

and guess who we ran into when we went upstairs? the two drunks again. who kept insisting that we were koreans. and who still wouldn't leave our hands alone. sigh, some guys just don't get it, do they?

oh, and i found white powdery substance in my water. i didn't notice it at first, i highly suspect it wasn't there in the first place, if not i wouldn't have drunk most of the water. but after we decided to go downstairs from upstairs, i noticed the white substances. so i think someone dropped it there while we were walking from one place to the other. and after seeing those white things, i stopped drinking.

and i sincerely hope that i would not have to undergo this again.


Some photos! click on the links:

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {5:17 PM}

Sunday, June 17, 2007

am in London now, going back to loughborough tmr.

barcelona trip photos will be up tmr, if i have the time. leaving for lake district the next day, so might be too tired. plus there's packing to do, preparing to go back. I dont wanna go back!!!! nooooo!!!! *cries* hahaha

was nearly pickpocketed in barcelona. luckily, my pouch is always in front of me, so i could feel the zip opening. slapped the bastard's hand away and immediately checked to see if anything was gone. luckily, i managed to check everything before the metro could stop and he alight. grrrrrrr.

tried the spanish traditional wine, sangria, too. very nic! but it came in a huge vase (looked more like a vase than jug anyways), so had to drink like 4 glasses. -_-" slightly woozy.... good thing we had to walk some distance first, so the cold wind made it better. hahahha.


i watched phanton of the opera yesterday!!! brilliant! love the theatre... and omg phantom's voice was sooooooooo good! *melts* so was the other guy's voice... christine's was alright, expected more power though, but then, this actress has to compete with the reputation of sarah brightman's absolutely brilliant voice so.... poor girl. haha. but the musical was fantastic! i love the chandlier! i want to watch it again! wahahahahaha.

i wonder how many more plays and musicals can i squeeze in before i leave. gonna watch othello when i next come. hope to catch avenue q and the complete works of shakespeare too. and i want to watch orlando bloom's play and equus (daniel radcliffe) but the price is like, freaking expensive! sigh. and spice girls is doing a series of reunion concerts!!! too bad i wont be around by then.... sadness. hmmm... maybe i can fly to tokyo to catch them... hmmmm

more updates next time. right now im tired. all those assignments plus travelling means not enough sleep. sighz.

oh, and i cant remember if i said this already, but thanks kendo peeps for the birthday card!!! *grin grin* it is on my wall now! hahaha. *grin grin*

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {6:07 PM}

Monday, June 11, 2007

i am possibly at one of my lowest points right now, being here in UK. since turning 21, nothing seems to be going right. is there something about turning 21 which makes the first few days full of shit, to test if you really are matured enough to handle these? cos it sucks.

last night (or early this morning, rather), i completed the last of my assignments: the oral communication speech and the essay. Everything was done at 3.30am, all that was left was editing, rehearsing and bibliography. I came back from the place i was studying at all geared up for doing the bibliography, and then catching some much needed sleep. so, imagine my horror when at 4am, an attempt to save my bibliography file on my memory stick proved impossible because it was suddenly inaccessible. yes, INACCESSIBLE. the bloody message that popped up was that i had to format the drive, but doing so would mean i lose all my work, period.

naturally, i was upset. i was angry. i was pissed. at 4am in the morning, a grumpy and pissed yuen mei is not nice to put up with. thanks ran and alwyn for putting up with me. ran happened to still be awake, doing the speech too, so i went down to see if it could work on her laptop, praying that it would. it didn't. so we called alwyn, waking the poor guy up and asking if we could test my memory stick on his mac notebook. the nice guy immediately came over with his laptop, but it couldnt even detect my memory stick. so, all hope was pretty much lost, and i nearly had a breakdown. the shitty events before this were piling up, and i honestly was this close to just giving up. but i still have assignments to hand in in like, 9 hours, so i couldn't.

nice alwyn came up to my room and tried to figure out what was wrong for more than an hour. but like i said, it was a lost case, so alwyn went back to sleep while i finished doing the biblio rather dejectedly. then i emailed my lecturer to explain the situation and requesting for an extension. and i went to take short rest.

first thing i did when i woke was to check my email. my lecturer replied, and he was so nice to grant me an extension till wednesday! but alas, i am leaving for barcelona tmr, so i have to hand it in by tmr no matter what. fine enough, at least i wrote out the main points of my speech on my cards early, so i could still deliver the speech. a trip to the computer center proved futile, for all they could say was "we don't do repairs." right then and there, i began wishing that i was in NUS, because NUS would try to figure out the problem for you, at the very least. and i so wanted to go home cos i felt so troubled and lost and stressed and alone. the person did tell me about a computer shop at the student union building which might be able to have a look at my memory stick, so i went there. but when you're down on your luck, you will always be down on your luck. the stupid shop was not open; it will only open at 12 noon today!!! of all days... so i gave up, went back, took a short nap and prepared for my speech.

the speech itself was alright, i was shaking cos i was so scared that even more bad things will happen, like i'd forget what i wanted to say or something. but it went smoothly, the only good thing which happened thus far. i wore my peranakan costume for the speech cos i was talking about multiculturalism and felt that it was apt. immediately upon returning, i realized that one of the straps had broke!!! like, what the fuck. how much fucking worse could my day get?!

so yes, i am in a very very very bad mood right now, and let's just say that when i am in a bad mood, don't fucking piss me off. unfortunately, someone did, though i tried to control myself and not say it out, but really. please. if you can't keep quiet, then please leave me alone. like really really.

oh, and i have to rewrite my two assignments again. and i don't even want to think about the rest of the files i lost, all of which are of importance to me.

can my life get any shittier than this? would the person cursing me stop it right now and leave me the hell alone? why, of all people, do i always end up having to face shit like this?! i must have done something terrible in my past life.

i don't want to have to deal with this right now. my last few days here have been ruined.

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {7:08 PM}

Saturday, June 09, 2007

okays! as promised, links for bbq photos from jerry's and mel's cameras: jerry pics here, and, mel pics here
tell me if they work!

in other publication news, the creative writing story i wrote for my formative assignment is on my livejournal.

and i'm down to my last assignment! hurrah! this one special, have to write speech and essay and give speech.

thanks for all the birthday wishes, sent ecards, actual cards, pressies etc etc etc. piccies from last night will be up sometime.

pictures from my trip to warwick will also be up sometime. went there with ayam on 6th june! woot.

and if you're wondering what i did on my birthday itself, well, just doing erm my 3500 words essay. yeah. welcome to adulthood, me. a lesson in responsibility. and a lesson in not sleeping. 1.5hrs sleep, @_@. but but but, i received a call from siew! hahaha. she called while the kendo peeps were having supper after training, and they sang me a birthday song!!!! wow!!! hahaha... thanks thanks! and i was like, at the reception area checking for mail when that happened. -_-" people there staring at me, wahahaha.

off to barcelona on tuesday! :D

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {6:01 PM}

[[aNgiEz's WoRLd]] ;

a girl 20
writes, reads, kendo, swims, chills
crazily insane, hopelessly cheerful, depressively sad
currently a student of Loughborough Uni

[NaViGaTioN] ;

ll my webbie! ll ll my profile ll ll friendster!! ll ll yahoo ll ll inuyasha ll ll speed!!!! ll ll fanfiction ll ll my writings ll ll singaporeink ll ll rockson ll ll NUSKK ll ll terranaomi ll ll my writings ll

[SeNtiEnT BeiNgS] ;

ll tingren ll ll idayu ll ll bao yue ll ll rosz ll
ll chen ll ll alane ll ll yvonne ll ll chelz ll
ll shen ll ll peixuan ll ll maryam ll ll celeste ll
ll manping ll ll hidayah ll ll simin ll ll nurul ll
ll huimin ll ll zhiyu ll ll wenting ll ll shenlyn ll
ll miq ll ll cheechang ll ll shuying ll ll silvest ll
ll wingyan ll ll mrschan ll ll james ll ll wenyan ll
ll dayah^jj ll ll hongmei ll ll zhengling ll ll vicky ll
ll tiffy ll ll jingmin ll ll jeanie ll ll jiexin ll
ll yalan ll ll weiting ll ll lay ping ll ll yiling ll
ll christine ll ll hanan ll ll arthur ll ll timothy ll
ll felicia ll llyana ll ll sharon ll ll uray ll
ll izean ll ll andrewhuang ll ll germaine ll ll melissa ll
ll halima ll ll evelyn ll ll aaron ll llfaith ll
ll mel ll llrobbie ll ll cliff ll llcal ll
ll kathy ll llalby ll ll faithbig ll lllora ll
ll estee ll llsuyu ll ll ARTSRAG! ll ll siew ll
ll kitt ll ll pamela ll ll cheemin ll ll xingyu ll
ll mimi ll
ll joan ll ll huiran ll ll jingyi ll ll aida ll llyushan ll ll melodyfoo ll lljesse ll

[SwEet MuRmUriNgS] ;

[tHaNkS tO] ;

Designer's Blog

[PrEviOuS EntRieS] ;

  • rights, so i'm leaving at 22.05pm tonight. and i a...
  • to celebrate the reunion of the spice girls for th...
  • ok, the previous post was saved as a draft. i just...
  • hey all! I'm in Hereford nows.... the time to go b...
  • am in London now, going back to loughborough tmr.b...
  • i am possibly at one of my lowest points right now...
  • okays! as promised, links for bbq photos from jerr...
  • heya! what's up with life for all of ya? i'm still...
  • My lovely friends here in lufbra threw a bbq party...
  • went to London over the weekend to pick up Joan's ...

  • [To E PaSt...] ;

    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007

    [Playing] ;

    Sakura Biyori - Hoshimura Mai, Bleach Ending OST